Dirrrty South. . . . Mekong Style

My sentiments exactly…
May 9, 2009, 4:15 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

The Future is so Bright
May 6, 2009, 3:23 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Today I borrowed Jeff’s lesson plan about life in the future, and in space. I gave students the prompt,
“What will the world be like in the year 3009? Where will we live? What will we do, eat, and wear?”

One student said that we will all be wearing bikinis. First the entire class (including me) thought she was mispronouncing something or was confused. I wrote bikini on the board, and she nodded yes, that is indeed what she meant.

When I walked around the rest of the class, on three different occasions, students told me that in the year 3009 people will wear nothing. I think they answered that way because they actually hadn’t been thinking about the prompt and it was the first things that came to their minds. I reminded them, “so that means people will go around naked everywhere?” They giggled at the thought, but stuck to their guns. So…nudie future it is.

UPDATE: I did this activity with another class, yet another two groups decide that people will go around naked in the future (one group says we’ll be naked in a post-apocalyptic Waterworld-esque planet, and the other says we’ll be naked on Mars). Really, what is it up with TVU students, the future and nudity?